
「幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心概覽2022年」(幼稚園概覽) 流動應用程式,臚列了已在教育局註冊並於2022/23學年營運的幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心的資料...

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評分 4
類型 教育
應用程式檔名稱 hk.chsc.kindergarten
下載數 5+

幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心概覽2022年 簡介

「幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心概覽2022年」(幼稚園概覽)流動應用程式,臚列了已在教育局註冊並於2022/23學年營辦的幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心的資料,讓家長為子女選擇幼稚園時能掌握更多相關資訊。幼稚園概覽流動應用程式內載有由教育局備存的學校資料,包括學校名稱、地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、學生類別、學校容額、非牟利 / 私立獨立性質、核准收費(學費、報名費和註冊費)、學生人數、教師人數和有關學歷、師生比例,及是否兼有開辦為3歲以下兒童提供的幼兒服務等。概覽亦載有由學校提供的資料,包括校監及校長姓名、創校年份、學校網址、學校設施、課程資料、學校特色、教育用品的收費、入學申請資料、校長及教學人員每月薪酬幅度、教學年資及資源分配等資料。沒有參加幼稚園教育計劃(計劃)的學校可選擇性地提供有關資料。 © 教育局 版權所有

The application of Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres 2022 (KG Profile) provides information of all kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres registered with the Education Bureau (EDB) and operating in the 2022/23 school year to assist parents in making an informed choice for their children. The Profile contains information of schools kept by EDB, including school name, address, telephone and fax numbers, student category, number of permitted accommodation, non-profit-making / private independent status, approved fees (school fees, application fee and registration fee), number of students, number of teachers and their qualification, teacher to pupil ratio and whether operating child care services for children aged below 3. It also contains information provided by schools including names of supervisor and principal, school founding year, school website, school facilities, curriculum details, school characteristics, price of major school items, admission and application information, monthly salary range and working experience of principal and teaching staff and school expenditure information. Schools not joining the kindergarten education scheme (the Scheme) could provide such information optionally. © Education Bureau

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