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關於 SimpleMind Pro - Mind Mapping Android版的評論
This app is great but declared full google drive accessing rights. Should change it to folder only. If it changes, I will add stars. 請不要宣告全 G-Drive 存取權,會瓜田李下,這很重要 (There is no way to share entire private Google drive to an app.) 另外有中文更好,母語就是方便,請不要用大陸 China 沒 Play Store 敷衍,台灣也用中文,新加坡也用中文,不在大陸內的華人很多也都愛用中文,甚至日本也看得懂漢字 In Taiwan, we use Chinese Traditional. I can even help with translation.
Been using this app for ages, great stuff! The following msg is for the tards who gave low ratings cos your app doesn't support chinese..: 你們這些老愛給低分然後說什麼“沒中文”“英文看不懂”的腦包不要在國際上丟台灣的臉可以嗎?難道你會蠢到買外文書或音樂然後氣說為什麼不是中文嗎? 腦子用一下可以嗎?怪政府怪大局怪環境怪教育怪好用的軟體沒中文的,然後自己一直玩手遊當腦包當奧客的,不慚愧嗎?
關於 SimpleMind Pro - Mind Mapping Android版的評論