
Empowering data, cultivate your Soul Tree, earn gold, and win exciting prizes.

下載 Soulme APK

評分 4
類型 娛樂
下載數 5+

Soulme 簡介

SoulMe is an innovative platform that transforms how users engage with their social data and derive value from it. It introduces several exciting features designed to allow users to cultivate a personal "Soul Tree", earn rewards, join draws, and multiply the value of their social interactions.

Soul Tree: The Soul Tree serves as the home page for each user. This unique, personalised space encapsulates the user's journey on SoulMe. The rewards earned, in the form of stars and gold coins, fall from the Soul Tree, making for a delightful experience. The Soul Tree also features a control panel of sorts, providing a conduit to all the modules available on the platform.

Earn: SoulMe believes in rewarding users for their participation. Users are given tasks through "Social Bingo" and "Daily Task". In Social Bingo, users can link their social media accounts to evaluate their "data power". This feature enables users to earn different amounts of rewards depending on the strength of their data. With Daily Task, users are incentivised to stay active, interact more, and, in the process, earn stars and gold coins.

Me: This section is a user's personal profile and data hub. It enables users to view their personal information and manage their connected data. It's a reflection of a user's interaction with the platform, giving an overview of their activities, rewards earned, and data power.

WinGo: WinGo is the exciting culmination of the SoulMe experience, where users have the chance to use their earned gold coins in a unique and engaging way. This feature is all about opportunities, turning the user's value into experiences that surprise and delight. it is a fun, interactive arena where your efforts and engagement can lead to unexpected outcomes and rewards. Here at WinGo, every gold coin used brings a new adventure.

Referral: SoulMe encourages growth through the power of community. Users can earn additional gold coins by referring friends or acquaintances to the platform. This feature incentivises users to share the benefits of SoulMe, fostering a community of active and engaged users while growing the platform's user base.
SoulMe is not just an app. It's an ecosystem that thrives on user engagement and data power. It makes every social interaction count by turning them into rewards and fun opportunities. By cultivating your Soul Tree, you are not just participating in activities; you're nurturing your digital presence, harnessing the power of your social data, and opening doors to numerous rewarding possibilities.

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Soulme APK FAQ

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