Dungeon Faster

Defeat evil in the dark dungeons thanks to your epic power and ingenious mind!
Old Oak Den

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版本 1.140
更新日期 2023-10-18
評分 4
類型 休閒
應用程式檔名稱 com.OOD.Game02
下載數 100+

Dungeon Faster 簡介

⭐️ Pocket Gamer - GAME OF THE YEAR 2020 FINALIST!
⭐️ Google Play - Best of 2019 Winner! (India)
⭐️ Over 500,000 downloads!
⭐️ Mobile version of the PC game Dungeon: Faster & Deadlier

DUNGEON FASTER, an original hybrid of dungeon crawler, turn-based strategy, and card game. It's the roguelike from hell! 🔥

✔️ Solo dungeon exploration! Many rooms for you to explore!
✔️ Automatic saves at every room! Play and stop at anytime!
✔️ Lots of content waiting to be unlocked!
✔️ Hero leveling! Deck Building! Looting!
✔️ Play offline!
✔️ Completely free to play and no pay to win!
✔️ Only in-app purchases are donations to support me! The one man developer!

HEROES - Many different characters for you to play! Each character is unique! Play as the beautiful Paladyna or the sneaky Thiefo!

CARDS - Build your own custom deck to defeat your enemies! Cards can be upgraded permanantly so you will always be getting more powerful! ⚡️

DUNGEON - Traverse a deep dungeon with many rooms full of treasure! But beware! That treasure belongs to someone else and they aren't going to be happy you're stealing it!

ITEMS - The dungeon is full of items that can either help or hurt you!

ENEMIES - Full of terrifying monsters who are angry that their parents gave them weird names! Wherewulf! Zombiebie! Skeletoon and more!

FIGHT - Power up yourself up as much as possible before fighting the boss! If you're super strong you can kill him in one hit! If you're super weak YOU might be the one who gets killed in one hit!

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關於 Dungeon Faster Android版的評論

Not gonna lie that was fun. Though I wish it was easier to upgrade the characters, maybe not so time consuming but other than that it was a great game to play. Hopefully in the future updates you could probably add more stuff to the game board to help you out and also more obstacles that hurt and more cards for the decks as well. Please please make more updates! I wanna add that you definitely have a good time waster on your hands. 9/10
I'm not very into roguelike games in general but I do like this one. Runs are the perfect length to get into but not feel too adverse to taking risks and the cumulative growth is noticable so it doesn't feel grindy. The art style is kind of yucky-silly (for the monsters) but fun and doesn't take itself too seriously. The daily challenge is great and what usually draws me back again after I haven't played for awhile.
First I greatly appreciation for your fast response. I updated the game. The quests have been reset randomly. The main issue of the campaign quest being accomplished automatically on entering the dungeon is yet not resolved ( the infinite dungeon is working well till now, but the main campaign has this problem). Plus the zombie hand card vanishes after first use from the deck in all stages.

Dungeon Faster APK FAQ

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XAPK是一種檔案擴充格式,單獨的APK檔案和OBB cache assets檔案。 XAPK檔案可以簡單透過手機上的預設安裝器直接下載安裝到Android裝置。 XAPK檔案可以幫助你在手機或平板下載或傳輸大型應用程式時節省很大的資料容量。XAPK檔案甚至可以讓你毫無障礙地下載和安裝受區域限制的應用程式。 XAPK檔案不像APK檔案可以簡單透過手機上的預設安裝器直接下載安裝到Android裝置。APKPure XAPK 安裝器可以透過最方便的方式幫你一鍵安裝和管理Android裝置上的APK和XAPK檔案。 具體安裝教學可以透過以下連接查看:https://apkcombo.com/tw/how-to-install/ 而在電腦上只需拖拽XAPK檔案至雷電模擬器中即可。

我可以在電腦上玩Dungeon Faster嗎?

是的,你可以透過在電腦上安裝雷電Android模擬器,然後將你下載好的 APK 檔案拖入運行的模擬器內,即可開始在電腦上玩Dungeon Faster。您也可以打開模擬器,搜尋你想要玩的遊戲或應用程式進行安裝。


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