ASMR Coloring

Relax with ASMR coloring game.

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版本 1.0.30
更新日期 2024-12-18
評分 4.5
類型 休閒
下載數 5+

ASMR Coloring 簡介

Coloring is art, and art is fun! Everybody loves ASMR Coloring, and now you can draw and color away to your heart’s content with this fun, simple, and relaxing art casual game that’s just like an endless painting colorful book right in your pocket.

Complete hundreds of delicate pictures, enhance your art skills and release your stress with this bright, creative color game that’s endlessly satisfying and relaxing for players of all ages. Download ASMR Coloring now and quench all your coloring cravings.

【Hot & Popular Characters】
Hundreds of famous characters are constantly updated in our drawing & coloring games every week. Not only hot characters, but there is other popular stuff available for you to draw and paint, such as animals and plants, fruit and vegetables, careers and vacations, science and nature, and much more. Each image in the coloring book is beautifully designed with simple lines and a vibrant scheme to soothe your eyes and inspire your creative impulses.

【Easy & Simple Gameplay】
Firstly, draw the image by following the outlines. Then color in the spaces to complete/fill the picture. The straightforward, relaxing mechanics ensure you can easily start over if you mess up in our amazing coloring games.

【Fun & Attractive Mode】
What’s more, you can give a free hand to your creative side and choose whatever colors you want to create the picture that you find attractive and interesting. Want a blue flamingo or a green strawberry? It’s entirely up to you.

【Relaxing Color ASMR Sound】
Relax and enjoy all the fun of the drawing & painting games, including the soothing and tranquil sound from our color ASMR effects, without any mess. This is a fantastic anti-stress tool that can literally help you to relax in seconds with its clean images, bright colors, and endless variety. Drop into the coloring games anytime to soothe your nerves with therapeutic drawing and coloring.

Thank you for taking the time to experience fun and relaxing drawing & painting games. Looking forward to seeing you share your beautiful artwork and show off your talent to the world in this coloring game.

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我可以在電腦上玩ASMR Coloring嗎?

是的,你可以透過在電腦上安裝雷電Android模擬器,然後將你下載好的 APK 檔案拖入運行的模擬器內,即可開始在電腦上玩ASMR Coloring。您也可以打開模擬器,搜尋你想要玩的遊戲或應用程式進行安裝。
