Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG

關於 AFK 飛船戰鬥和太空探索遊戲的空閒 RTS 遊戲。科幻角色扮演遊戲
Entropy Games Studio

下載 Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG APK

版本 1.18.0
更新日期 2025-02-11
評分 4.1
類型 戰略
應用程式檔名稱 com.StellarWind.StellarWindIdle
下載數 5+

Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG 簡介


如果您喜歡玩 MMO 太空戰爭遊戲,這些科幻太空戰爭遊戲非常適合您!





  • 活動
  • 遠徵
  • 裂痕
  • 競技場



使用多種方法升級你的船隻 - 為它們配備模組或提升它們的強度。合併中隊,使他們更加強大。



* 各種太空船有不同的優點和缺點

* 重新組裝模組化太空船

* 太空船之間的精彩戰鬥

* 自動戰鬥與離線進度

* 大型戰役地圖,故事不斷發展

* 閒置銀河遊戲和玩家獎勵

立即安裝星風閒置太空角色扮演科幻遊戲,與敵人的主力艦展開最精彩的戰鬥!設法贏得所有太空戰鬥遊戲!享受 MMO 太空戰爭遊戲,並交替使用手動和自動戰鬥模式,在閒置銀河遊戲中獲得勝利!

如果您有任何疑問,請隨時透過 詢問我們

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關於 Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG Android版的評論

First impressions: It's an interesting game. The ships are beautiful both in design and quality. The premise and design of the battles is really cool. I have two main growth points for the game however: 1) the big ships (cruisers, destroyers etc.) guns don't feel powerful and feel boring to watch. 2) I'm in chapter 3 and I don't quite feel anything driving me to play more besides making all the numbers bigger. I'd like more direction in the game in the sense of consistent goals/milestones.
Good game ! but.... Because you made the graphics to be more realistic, it became Blurry and hard to see. Its hard to see because the graphics is realisticaly good in a bad way, changing the graphics only affects resollution it didnt even matter if its low or high. Please add an option to toggle ountline to see the ships better or an option to make them look brighter because all ships have realistic darker colors in cosmos making it hard to see also it lacks content
Game has potential but fact is there isn't much strategy or astrology in the game. There's over 4 game modes of the exact same space expedition just opposite sides. Ships get to the point of just looking like glowing flies/bugs swarming around a ringed rocket space station. Would be a 1 star review but appreciate the offline mode. You can basically beat the game in 2 weeks with exception of the online arena. Oh also the ship upgrade feature lags with required auto merg 2-3 or refuse to function

Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG APK FAQ

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我可以在電腦上玩Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG嗎?

是的,你可以透過在電腦上安裝雷電Android模擬器,然後將你下載好的 APK 檔案拖入運行的模擬器內,即可開始在電腦上玩Stellar Wind Idle: Space RPG。您也可以打開模擬器,搜尋你想要玩的遊戲或應用程式進行安裝。
